Welcome to the Gridfour Project Notes page!
Although we are just getting started, we've added
articles on using the new Grifour toolkit and GVRS Raster File API. You may access content through the
list of articles in the panel on the right side of this page.
The articles on this page are intended to cover topics that are relevant to
general investigators and developers, not just people who are using the Gridfour software.
In addition to the articles listed on this page, we also provide information
that is specific to the Gridfour implementation and our GVRS API on our wiki.
Want to find out details about using our software? Check out the
The Gridfour Wiki Page
The How-To articles are intended to provide information to developers and users
working with raster data. Some of them, such as the NetCDF article, address broader
topics related to raster data in general. Others, focus specifically on Gridfour utilities.
The GVRS articles provide an introduction to Gridfour's
file-based API for managing large raster data sets. The
GVRS Performance article describes the performance issues associated with the
both the GVRS utility and the optional data compression techniques it provides.
These articles offer insights that will help you use the GVRS and get the best results
in your own applications.
The data compression articles provide background information on the algorithms, techniques,
and methods used for the Gridfour data compression functions. And, because it is only fair to give
credit where credit is due, they also trace all the Gridfour techniques to their origins in the
the published literature.
The Elevation GeoTIFF articles discuss the U.S. Geological Survey's
Cloud-Optimized GeoTIFF product and provide techniques and examples
for using the open-source Apache Commons Imaging libary to extract
data and create shaded-relief imagery from these files.
The The GVRS File Format Specification provides details about
the internal organization of a GVRS file. It also provides information on some of the concepts
that are used by the GVRS implementation.
Recently, we ported the original Java-based GVRS API to the C programming language. Our report,
Tasks Performed in Porting the GVRS Java API to C is intended
to provide background information for developers who are considering their own porting efforts.